April Fools' Day On The Web

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April Fools' Day On The Web (2022/20220335) (youtube.com/DominicNoble - Dominic Noble's Lost in Adaptation covers The Room by Tommy Wiseau, which it turns out was actually an adaptation of the book entitled 'The Room I Died In' by Polish author Prima Aprilis. The video covers all the changes from the book to the movie, including the insane twist ending that was left out of the movie for whatever reason. The entire video is played straight, and the only confirmation of an April Fools joke is the comments section realizing they've been had.)
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Submited: 2022-04-01 22:12
Dominic Noble's Lost in Adaptation covers The Room by Tommy Wiseau, which it turns out was actually an adaptation of the book entitled 'The Room I Died In' by Polish author Prima Aprilis. The video covers all the changes from the book to the movie, including the insane twist ending that was left out of the movie for whatever reason. The entire video is played straight, and the only confirmation of an April Fools joke is the comments section realizing they've been had.

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