
Giveaway: Win an ARC of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon!

We've got five print ARCs of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon to give away today!

Giveaway: Win an ARC of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon!

Bound to the Shadow Prince in white with Ruby Dixon at the bottom in pink. Behind the title and author is a large gold candle with many wax drips down the side, against apink background with big flowers off to the side. it's very lush

Hey, y’all! We’ve got five print ARCs of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon to give away today! I know many of you saw “Ruby Dixon” and said “WHERE. DO. I. CLICK,” but in case you’re not familiar, here’s a bit about the book! In order to protect her kingdom from the wrath of a vengeful goddess, Princess Candra must remain locked inside a tower for seven years. Seven long years without a friend—or a lover—by … Continue reading Giveaway: Win an ARC of Bound to the Shadow Prince by Ruby Dixon!

Books On Sale

Sci-Fi, Mimi Matthews, & More

Books on Sale: Silver Silence by Nalini Singh & More

Silver Silence by Nalini Singh is $1.99! Big thank you to everyone who let us know about this sale and hopefully it’s still valid. This is the start to the first Psy-Changeling Trilogy. If you’re wondering whether you can start here, the answer is yes. Elyse did, though still have some questions, and gave it a B:

I think Silver Silence will be a big hit with readers of the series, and a little less effective with newcomers. I did love the healthy portrayal of an alpha hero, though, and found the world of the bear shifters to be fun and fascinating.

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617. A Romance Soundtracks Sampler

In episode 611, we talked about the ads and features in the April 2005 issue of Romantic Times, and there was an ad on the back cover for Romance Soundtracks. We could not find anything about them, but Malaraa in our Patreon sure did! We’ve got samples! We’ve got MUSIC that you’re meant to read with, and Amanda tries to identify the genre/album the music was from. MASSIVE THANKS to Malaraa for finding this treasure … Continue reading 617. A Romance Soundtracks Sampler

The Rec League: House Guests

The Rec League - heart shaped chocolate resting on the edge of a very old book

This Rec League is from Anna. Thanks, Anna! I read a little article here about floating house guests, being A Thing in grand houses, rather than just being around for the great parties. Here is a link. And I was thinking I would like some recommendations around this, where either the hero/heroine has some hangers on, or some come by for a time or where the hero/heroine is a travelling guest. Sarah: Do You Want … Continue reading The Rec League: House Guests

RWA has Filed for Bankruptcy, And You’ll Never Guess “Why”

Featured image for RWA has Filed for Bankruptcy, And You’ll Never Guess “Why”

Greetings from me, and my blood pressure medication. RWA has filed for bankruptcy, per a Bloomberg story that is behind a paywall. The URL alone is enough to give me a stroke, so I’m sharing that over the headline: https://www.bloomberg.com/news/articles/2024-05-29/romance-writers-group-goes-bankrupt-after-dei-fight-around-courtney-milan I’m sharing the URL straight because the part after the date, called the “slug,” is the part that made the top of my head blow clean off. So what actually happened? Most likely: With years … Continue reading RWA has Filed for Bankruptcy, And You’ll Never Guess “Why”

Links: Vintage Recipes, Fairy Tales, & More

Workspace with computer, journal, books, coffee, and glasses.

Welcome back to Wednesday Links! I have to thank all of you for the outpouring of gluten free recipes and resources in the comments and in my inbox. My partner all says thank you; the biggest thing they’re struggling with is quick and easy stuff, like ordering takeout requires more thought and consideration. Also, it’s officially wedding season! Two of my friends got married this month and we have three weddings to attend in June, … Continue reading Links: Vintage Recipes, Fairy Tales, & More

Books On Sale

Baking, Witches, & More

Books on Sale: The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller & More

The City Baker’s Guide to Country Living by Louise Miller is $1.99! Admittedly, this sounds all sorts of comforting and adorable and Miller’s books have been previous staff picks at the bookstore where I worked. However, I’m always iffy on books that are positioned as women’s fiction. Do you have any experience with reading Miller’s titles?

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Whatcha Watching?

Featured image for Whatcha Watching?

It’s been awhile, but the television and film offerings lately seem to be Very Good! I really, really enjoyed the Black Twitter documentary on Hulu, especially that it was looking at recent history online through the lens of a powerful community and the people within it. Shana and I are going to review/discuss it here soon, but if you haven’t watched it, I recommend! I tried watching this series on the 90s – Dark Side … Continue reading Whatcha Watching?

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